To Our Clients, Friends, Family and Colleagues:
I hope this finds you all well, perhaps working from home, but in some way, enjoying what “home” means to you. Our hope is that “social distancing” will slow the progression of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We pray that it will.
Undoubtedly, we are navigating uncharted waters. Yet, in a very interesting way, times like this might invoke good for humanity. You might have an opportunity to spend cherished time with your spouse and/or children; children who ordinarily would be away at college. Family dinners, which have lost their appeal over the recent years, might become more commonplace. Helping a neighbor, or another person in need or infirm lights your spirit.
One thing is certain during uncertain times – nothing is certain. Regardless of the virus, you must agree that anything can happen to anyone of us, at any time. You may be scared and/or worried, but I encourage you to use this time as a period of reflection.
Recently, Governor Cuomo signed an Executive Order allowing us to notarize documents by video. If you are someone who is unnerved for not attending to your estate planning, reach out to us for our assistance. Our office continues to operate, with modifications, but under all circumstances, we can help you. Even if we help you prepare a power of attorney and health care proxy, it will make you feel better.
If you are seasoned enough to remember the movie E.T., you’ll note that the title I used here is a quote from E.T. to Elliot. If you need me, “I’ll be right here”.