Are you a solo ager, or in some circles, an “elder orphan”? A solo ager is typically defined as a single, childless baby-boomer. Yet, a boomer may have children, but with whom there is no relationship, or in many cases, children who are simply pre-occupied with their own affairs. While it is likely that you…
Sal discusses why avoiding probating a will is important, keeping your beneficiary designations up to date, executors and more.

by Joanna C. Feldman and Salvatore M. Di Costanzo This is not easy. Every day brings a new development. Shelter-in-place. Workplace restrictions. Isolation. Illness. Fear. Anxiety. Loneliness. We understand. We feel it, too. We also understand that during this time of rampant uncertainty, many people want at least one thing to be certain:…
To Our Clients, Friends, Family and Colleagues: I hope this finds you all well, perhaps working from home, but in some way, enjoying what “home” means to you. Our hope is that “social distancing” will slow the progression of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We pray that it will. Undoubtedly, we are navigating uncharted waters. Yet, in a very…