CONGRATULATIONS! We are humbled and honored to announce that both of the Plan Today for Tomorrow partners, Salvatore M. Di Costanzo and Joanna C. Feldman, have been selected by their peers for inclusion in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America®. A listing in Best Lawyers® is widely regarded by both clients and…

Dear Mr. Di Costanzo: Can Medicaid take my home if I get sick? If you fall ill, you may seek Medicaid benefits to help pay for your care at home or in a nursing home. If Medicaid begins paying for care, Medicaid can try to recoup what it has paid on your behalf either by…

Dear Mr. Di Costanzo: Why do I need a Will or Trust if all my accounts have designated beneficiaries? Beneficiary designations are extremely important and one of the most overlooked tools in an estate plan. For certain assets, such as retirement accounts, the lack of a designated beneficiary can cause adverse tax consequences. One…