You can appoint as many people as you wish, however there are a few things to consider about the person you appoint. First, you should always have a conversation with the person you appoint prior to making such appointment to ensure he is willing to accept the position of agent. Second, when considering your agent, you should consider individuals that are trustworthy and who live near you so they can easily work with your local relationships.
When appointing more than one agent, you should pay attention to the box on the power of attorney that asks if you would like your agents to act separately. If you do not initial this box, your agents must act jointly. This means that all their signatures are required to perform any act on your behalf. Perhaps you want your agents to act jointly but that is a personal preference.
Prior to appointing more than one agent, consider whether it is necessary. Often, clients want to appoint all their children because they don’t want to leave anyone out and cause hard feelings. This is unnecessary. The better approach would be to choose the child who is financially responsible and convey your wishes to the remaining children in everyone’s presence.
Regardless of how many primary agents you have, you should also take care to appoint successor agents in case your primary agents cannot act.